Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Growing so fast

This is after church. We dedicated Abigail on Sunday the 8th. She looks so big sitting up! She looks so proper in this picture with her hands in her lap. I love her smile in this picture too.

Well, did you expect to see a lot of posts once the semester began? I sure hope not. But, I do have good intentions of writing on here to give updates, but times always slips away. There has been a lot of changes going on with miss little Abigail.

1. She weighs 16 pds which puts her still in the 95%tile.
2. She is 28 inches long, still at the 100%tile for height.
3. She is sitting up like a big girl. She had mastered this about a week ago. It is so weird looking at her sitting up, she looks so big now.
4. She slept through the night twice in the past week. All the way from 8:30-6:00! However, I went to bed at midnight, so I still not get a lot of sleep. I find myself staying up later and later once I put Abigail down to bed. It seems like that is the best time for me to study and pick up around the house.

Abigail and I will be home in March. Justin will come for a few days. Abigail and I will be there from March 13-23! Yay! It will be a long trip, which means it will make it harder to leave I am sure. The last time in the airport on our way home my mom and I busted out into tears as she was saying her last goodbyes. No fun!

I have been getting a lot photography jobs and future jobs lined up. It has been so much fun!


Anonymous said...

I love seeing the pics of Abigail and you guys. She is sooooo beautiful. Love you!! Aunt Star