Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Your Health-- Juice Plus

I wanted to share with you a product that has changed my life and my husbands from the inside out.
Have you heard of Juice Plus+? I have been on it for over a year and so has my husband. Since taking it Justin no longer suffers with allergies or asthma. Before Juice Plus+ a cold would drag on for weeks, after Juice Plus+ it would last maybe 3 days!
Juice Plus provides nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient and inexpensive capsule form. It truly boosts your energy levels!
I have DVD's that you could look over to hear from well respected doctors that support Juice Plus.

Did you know 75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders?

Did you know a 1/3 of Americans get almost 1/2 of their calories from junk food? We so often care about what our outer appearance looks like, but forget to take care of our inward appearance. It is scary to think of all the arteries that inflammed and close to rupturing to having a heart attack.
1 out of 4 children are obese today. We need to take a stand and begin getting the correct servings of fruits and veggies in our bodies.

We need to get our daily servings of fruits and veggies, but honestly it is hard buying that much in a week at a decent cost. You would only be paying $1.50 a day to get your complete serving of fruits and veggies a day!! Juice Plus makes it convenient to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies in capsule form. The research is off the charts for Juice Plus.

Juice Plus+ capsules contain no corn, yeast, wheat, or egg or milk products, and very minimal amounts of sodium, sugar, and calories.

Here are 5 scientific claims Juice Plus can say it does for your body:

Delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body. (goes straight to the bloodstream)

Reduces oxidative stress.

Helps support a healthy immune system.

Helps protect DNA

Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness. ( It keeps the arteries from clogging or becoming inflamed)

I am not saying that Juice Plus should substitute you from eating your fruits and veggies. Amazingly enough, after awhile you will begin seeing a change in the way you want to eat. Your body will begin wanting to eat more fruits and veggies. There is also the Vineyard Blend, it actually helps the Juice Plus work even better. "Investigators at the University of Maryland School of Medicine studies the effect of the three Juice Plus+ blends taken together on the constriction of blood vessels that occurs after a high-fat meal. They found that subjects who consumed Juice Plus+ were better able to maintain the elasticity of arteries, even after a high-fat meal." AMAZING!! The antioxidants in berries and grapes have been shown to boost brain power.

I would be more than happy to send you more information if you are interested. You can also go to this website:

I am such a believer in this product I now sell it because I want to see others get the correct servings of fruits and veggies so they have a longer lifespan that is full of life and energy. They are already saying that they are recommending this to cancer patients and women that are pregnant! This is the real deal for staying and being healthy!

Once children started taking Juice Plus doctors were amazed by how less of visits those children were making to the doctor.

Please let me know how I can help you! I not only am selling this for the income, but truly because I am a believer in it, and want to see and help others recieve the nutrition they need. You can email me at:

Look forward to hearing from you! If you are interested in Juice Plus, I will also help you get on a better eating plan and exercise plan, and every so often send articles to you on health.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hanging in MO

Hey all!
Sorry I have not been on here, but I am home in Mo enjoying times with family and friends. Wow, has it been so good! Today, two girls I played volleyball with in college are coming into see me. I can not imagine all the stories we will be telling! Last night I hung out with my childhood best friend, Jodi. There is something about getting together with a friend that you have not seen in years but are able to pick up where you left off. Jodi and I have some of the silliest memories. It seems like when we get together, we thrive off of telling stories from when we were younger.

I will be back in Texas land on Monday night. I think Abigail is ready to get back to her crib. Abigail has been sleeping with me off and on every night since we have been here. That means no sleep for mommy. There are a few times my eyes just could not stay opened, and I would drift off when she was in bed with me. I just have this fear that if I fall asleep I would push her out of bed, because I am a bed hog! However, Abigail gives me a run for my money, because she likes to squirm you out of bed too. Not unless she is super sleepy and needs her mommy to cuddle up next to. :) Daddy is back in Texas and is missing his two favorite girls. It was so sweet, yesterday I put Justin on speakerphone so Abigail could hear his voice, her face lit up with a big smile. I love the fact that she knows her daddys voice. I also know that it made daddy feel loved.

Abigail is in the stage where she only likes her mommy. Sometimes this is a cute thing and makes me feel loved, but other times I feel bad because I know my family would like to hold and love on her. But, I think she is adjusting and getting use to all the people around her everyday. The first day was rough, however, I think she is teething and that has been making her a little more sensitive. Poor thing!
I hear Abigail waking up from her nap, so I better wrap up.

I am still waiting to hear replys on what you would like me to write on.

Happy 1st day of Spring!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dear Mom

When I think back to highschool I really regret the way I treated my mother. Looking back to all the work, sacrifice, unended hours, unconditional love, discipline, clothes she bought me and sewed for me, beautiful prom dresses that were bought, the many boo boos she kissed, vomit and bowel movements she cleaned up after, making each banana curl perfect for every pony tail she put on my head, washing my clothes, making me dinner, sacrficing buying herself clothes so I could have more, seeing my mom wear the same sweater over and over again and wonder I understand, the most awesomest funnest birthday parties she threw for me--for example: fashion shows, costume party where my mom made me a cinderella dress, my surprise 16 b-day party that I had no clue about. My mom is Queen for going ALL out to make her children feel special. Any birthday or special occasion I definitely felt like a queen! Thanks, mom!

It is funny how I can look back now and see all the wonderful things my mom did for me when I was a child, but then just took them for granted. My mom use to always tell me you will understand one day when you have children of your own. I am sure I rolled my eyes (which she hated), and sighed with a whatever attitude. I hate looking back to my ungratefulness, but am grateful now my mom and I have the best relationship ever! I hate that it took this long, but better now than never. Learning from my mistakes of being an ungrateful daughter has made me pray each night for Abigail and my relationship. There is not a night that passes that I do not pray for our relationship.

I was thinking today when I wanted to write this blog:

I challenge you to write your mom a letter or give her call today and let her know what you appreciate about her. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What things do you cherish about her?
  2. What things were you not grateful for when you when younger but now are grateful for?
  3. What things are you sorry about, but never took the time to truly tell her how sorry you were?
  4. What is the best memory you have with your mother?

These are just a few questions to spur your thoughts, but let me know what other things you add to your letter. I would love to hear how this goes with your mom. If you would be willing to post your letter on here, I would greatly appreciate it. I think many readers would benefit from it. I will be praying for you, knowing that not all sons and daughters have the best relationships with their moms. Do not rely on your own words, let the Spirit lead you. I pray there are wounds mended and tears shed. Blessings to you, and thanks for stopping by!

Dear mom,

I cherish that you have always been there for me even when I had treated you like dog poo. I cherish that you always had me dressed to a T, with matching bows and socks, OFCOURSE. I cherish that you pushed me to be the best in anything that I went out for. I cherish that you taught me how to make others feel special even if they were from a different socioeconomic level than I was. I cherish that cried with me when I hurt over silly boyfriends. I cherish that you put together the most beautiful wedding I could of even dreamed of. I cherish that you are alive and we are able to talk on the phone every day whenever we want to. I love you mom.

I am sorry that I was not grateful for the all nice clothes you bought me, and the many hours you put into sewing me the cutest and best of material outfits for Easter, Christmas, school activities, and just cause you wanted to sew me an outfit. I am grateful that you took less sleep so I could have adequate sleep when I was a child. I am grateful for you believing in me even if it was hard for you to express to me that you were. I am grateful that you have always been my biggest fan!

I am sorry if I caused you heartache over the boys I chose to date and the words I threw in your face that were not respectful. I am sorry for the times I disobeyed you. I am sorry for my attitude when I did not like my big frilly dresses you put countless hours into making. I am sorry for rolling my eyes at you, cause I know that always lit a fire in you. Still not sure why, but maybe one day I will understand. :)

I will have to say some of the best memories I have with you are on our mother/daughter shopping trips and getting our ritual cookies and coke. Another memory I will always cherish is when you were there with open arms to hold me when I won homecoming queen.... I love you mom!



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Praying with Hope

Have you ever thought it is weird that many people all over the world write their personal thoughts and feelings online for anyone to see? I have always been one that struggled with being open with my true feelings and thoughts with others due to the fear of what they may think of me. It is easy putting on a mask day to day. There are days we may be truly hurting inside, but do not have the courage to break down to someone due to pride, fear that person will not look to you as having it all together, or simply not having a special friend to share these uttermost thoughts with.
I want people to be able to read my blog and find encouragement, but to also leave feeling challenged. There is so much energy and time I would like to put into this, but right now being in school I have not had that kind of time. I have come a long way with sharing my true self with others and have come to find that I encourage many people by doing so. From this day forward, you will still get Abigail updates, but I also want to start writing devotions, challenges to spur you on to being a wife of noble character, how to live simply...I don't know, these are just a few things that I want to write on. If you have any ideas that you would like me to write on I am free to suggestions. Also-just a side note--if you read my blog regularly please let me know you are a follower. There is a place on the right side you can click on to become a follower. I like to know who my audience is, this will help me know what to write on. Thanks!

I have come to be convicted of sleeping in until Abigail wakes up. So, when Justin gets up for work I have now started to get up to have my quiet time. I felt as if I was putting sleep before God. I was justifying that it was okay for me to sleep in because I had been up with Abigail during the night.
Well, I felt as if I was shorting myself when I would try to read Scripture in the morning while Abigail was playing. I was never really able to have a sincere time in prayer, it would get interrupted and I would forget what I had been praying.
It has been refreshing getting up before Abigail, knowing that my priorities are straight-- God--then my child. It is so easy to get caught up in putting Abigail first, instead of God. I really am striving to become more of a prayer warrior. I think at times it is easy to take for granted the gifts from God, and to stop praying specifically.
Two different times when I was in Africa I had asked God for a shooting star, and he shot one across both times. The first time was with a friend, the second I was lying on a roof with my girls. I simply asked, God will you give us a shooting star. As I finished saying star, a star went across the sky. I shouted out with tears streaming down my face--"God, you are so awesome!" Thank-YOU!
I want to pray with faith like that all the time. I must not take for granted the blessings God will give due to not praying with faith. Right now I am praying for specific things, by specific days. I believe God will answer them, right now all I can do is wait for Him to answer. As I wait I am encouraged by these Scriptures.

"But as for me, I will always have hope: I will praise you more and more." Psalms 71:14

HOPE: Confident expectation that God will intervene and deliver.

Sorry--have to go, Abigail is awake from her nap.

Be encouraged--

Cease from worry
Be still-- Psalm 37:7
Wait Patiently
Do not fret
Follow God's voice
Wait for peace

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mommy Moment

This afternoon when I got back home from class I could tell Abigail was ready for a nap. Well, sometimes her body tells me something different than her mind tells me. :) I laid her down and she cried, and began getting mad. I know the difference between her crying when she is tired vs. I do not want to be in my crib. ( I personally think it is because she loves hanging out with me).... :)
I took her out to calm her down, this usually works.... I put her back down, she was fine, but as I looked at the monitor her legs were hanging out so being a good mommy that I am I went in to help her out. She had a big smile on her face, I helped her out, and as I turned to go out the door, all HELL broke lose. We were back to square one. Just a side note, this is unusual for Abigail. I once again took her out, walked around, wiped her nose, and then decided to rock her. The rocking chair was the winner. She slowly laid her head down on my shoulder, still catching her breath from crying so hard and finally fell asleep. This was an hour process....

To say the least, this was a mommy moment that no other helper could have figured out. But, knowing Abigail's quirks I was able to soothe her and now she is taking her afternoon nap. I say this because I am starting to see the importance of mommy's being home with their children. Children need their mommy's and daddy's. However, I do understand that being home is not for every woman. For some women staying home would make them want to go to a coo coo house. Staying home takes patience and it is a calling. I do not have all the answers and I do not have everything figured out, but it seems like my heart is being pulled to stay home with Abigail and our future children.

It is worth not having things of this world
It is worth not having the extra income
It is worth cutting back on my social life

Children are our responsibility. If I want my children to know our values and beliefs I am the only one that can truly ingrain that into them throughout the day. Daddy helps throughout the night and weekends. :)
I also know that I do not manage being overly busy well and if I am running from my job, to home, to cooking dinner, cleaning up, bathing and feeding my child, giving myself to my husband, keeping in touch with friends and family, I will explode. When I get stressed, I am not too attractive and pleasant to be around. I know this about myself and need to take that into consideration. I want the best for my family, and I feel I would be shortchanging my family if I chose to be a full-time career woman. I always said my family would come first, well, this is one way of staying true to my oath.
Staying home means there will be many sacrifices, but being a Christian it is easier to live a life of simplicity and to not get caught up in all the material items of the world. I am not saying that I do not desire them, but, I am willing to give that up to give my children a better life. I may not have the nicest of clothes, but I will have the nicest of jobs--being a full-time mommy.
Being a full-time mommy has to be a choice you are willing to make.
I know there are many of you who have known this has been a big struggle of mine, so I appreciate your prayers and going along with me on this journey. You can always keep up with my updates on my blog, but would always love to get together for coffee or a playdate if you have kids.
I will graduate in May and what our life looks like after that I still do not know. We are living this day by faith, and not worrying about tomorrow.