Friday, April 25, 2008

Epidural or no epidural

This is something I keep going back and forth on. I do not want to take an epidural from side effects that could occur, but at the same time I don't want to feel the excrusiating pain.

I simply write to get opinions and experiences from other ladies. Even if you have not given birth and have heard stories from friends and family I am open to hear why women take an epidural over not taking one. I do not want to take it just because it is available to take it, I want to take it for the right reasons.

Open discussion is wanted!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I had one with Jesse and the only reason was he was a star gazer, and I had back pain as with Jeremiah. I didn't have pain with you in my back and your dad kept me focused on the task at hand and I did fine. So don't jump in for one to soon, you just need to breathe and Justin to keep you breathing to stay relaxed.
Love nana

Funky Cold Medinas said...

I am TOTALLY PRO-Epidural. I thought I'd tough it out with Gideon, but by the time I was dilated to a "4" I couldn't handle the cramps and changed my mind. As soon as that epidural hit, the rest of labor was a breeze. Just couldn't move my feet on my own until it wore off. Had one with Scarlett, too. LOVE THEM. There are risks with everything, but the anestisiologists (sp?) know what they're doing. I will always have an epidural as long as they're available. I actually enjoyed the labor process. Some say you don't know when/how to push. You don't, but if, in your mind, you think to push like you're taking a (#2), then you'll be fine. 20 min of pushing with Gideon and like 4 minutes or less with Scarlett. And you're in shape, so it should be easy for you, too. The painful part is recovery. Good luck with your decision.