Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baby is growing, because mommy has a belly that is growing!

I am back in the swing of school, and loving every bit of it. I love reading and being challenged with new theories. I also like the fact school will make time go by fast and then our little bundle of joy will be here!! Yay!
I have been wearing my dress pants because there is more room to grow, and they are just comfortable versus jeans in my opinion. I am in my last week of my first trimester! I seriously cannot believe it. Anyone I know that is pregnant or has been pregnant keeps telling me, "just wait one morning your going to wake up and your belly will have popped out there"! Well ladies I believe this morning was the big POP. :)
There still is no word on moving arrangements. Please be praying for us in that. I really would like to be moved in by May. I need to start decorating! :) If you know of any good places to shop for decorative items, give me a shout. My mind has been going crazy with ideas, and I can't wait to start putting them together.
We just found out some good friends of ours here in Fort Worth are having a boy. They are only 6 weeks in front of me. Ashley the mom told me, now we have to have a girl so they can grow up together and get married! haha...I thought that was so cute. Well, I guess you never know!
Justin is convinced we are having a boy, I am still staying strong that we are having a girl.
What do you think? Do you think we are having a boy or a girl?


Funky Cold Medinas said...

I think you're going to have a boy!