Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4-6 Weeks

I just got back from the doctor, and she estimates that Abigail weighs around 5 1/2 to 6 pds right now. The doctor said she will gain another pound or so. Well, I sure hope she is right! I am in my 34 th week of pregnancy, so that means I can deliver Abigail in another 4-6 weeks!!! That seems so crazy to me. It seems like we have been pregnant forever. I can't believe the time is almost here. Considering I have had friends go early with their first baby makes me want to have my suitcase packed ready to go! She could come anytime now....
In two weeks when I go back to the doctor I will be able to know if there is any progress started. That makes it even more real!


Melissa said...

Everything seems to be falling into place! Words can never describe what your about to endore as you transform form a couple into a family. Good luck with everything!!