Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The due date has arrived.....

Tomorrow is the big day I have been waiting for...the due date. I know that does mean she will come, but atleast we know it is almost time. Yesterday morning I was having contractions, but as the day progressed I felt normal. However, I have been extra tired lately. I took two cat naps yesterday. My mom, dad, brother, and his girlfriend have been anxiously waiting for the phone call to let them know I am in labor. They plan to all hop in the car once I am in labor and drive on down. My mom plans to stay longer to help me adjust, cook, and keep the house tidy for us. Thanks mom!

I keep having little spurts of energy because I am getting so excited that the time has finally arrived. I just wish a due date for pregnancy was the same as a date like a wedding. You know for sure you will be married the day you set, but with a pregnancy date it's all about when the baby is ready. I have definitely have been learning how to be patient through this process.

There really is nothing like waiting for your child to be born....no comparison to Christmas-- you open the gifts and eventually the newness wears off. No comparison to your wedding day-- you are stressed out up till the day because of all the little details that have to be finished. But, waiting for your child there is excitement and once they arrive the newness is renewed each day when they look at you a different way, they start putting on the pounds, they begin to develop their own little personality, they have their first steps and words....the list goes on. A child brings a fresh of breath air to your home. I know there will be plenty of stinky days too, but it all depends on how you look at life. You can look at a child as a nuisance or simply a gift from the Lord. We are given such a big responsibility-- and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead.


Sarah said...

Come into the world Abigail! We all want to meet you! =) Hang in there Anna, you are doing a great job! And get lots of rest - I'm sure you'll need it!

The Reardon's said...

Hey Anna! It's Erin. I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers as this exciting time arrives! Take everything in!!! You will do great! Let me know if there is anything I can ever do! Can't wait to see her!!