I never realized how much I could miss my family until now. It was so hard when my family left when they came to see Abigail. Everyday I think about how I can't wait for my bub to come back and visit his niece. I want Abigail to know her family--but I know it will be hard since we are in Texas. I hope we will all be able to take trips to see one another. It's amazing what a little life can change. I always miss my family, but now I miss them in a different way. Family is important to me, and I want Abigail to know her Nana, Papa, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
I have come to realize each night is a different adventure. Two nights ago Abigail did not sleep for an hour in a half solid until 3:30 am. Last night after each feeding she went right back to sleep for 2 to 3 hours. It is so funny trying to keep her awake while feeding, she starts off strong then starts slipping off to sleep. Then her whole body becomes limp. It is quite funny! Justin and I have a little routine. If Abigail is not going to sleep right after I feed her he will come hold her so I can sleep until the next feeding. He usually will change the diapers at night to help out too. Today is the first day Abigail and I are home alone together. My mom had been here the first two weeks and then yesterday Justin was off work for Labor Day. So far so good--she has been sleeping a lot this morning. So, I am trying to get a lot of school work done and catching up on here. :) I am tempted to wake her up so she will sleep tonight, but I have to realize she is going to sleep no matter how hard I try to keep her up. I read newborns sleep 14-20 hrs a day anyway. So, I will let her sleep and I will take advantage of my free time.
I look forward to being able to exercise again. I want to take Abigail for strolls in the morning and in the evenings with Justin. We took a few laps around our apartment complex the other night. She loved it as you can tell by the picture.
got to go-- she is waking up!
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