Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She is growing fast

Our little Abigail is growing like a weed. We went to the doctor on the 3rd and she had already grew 3 inches and weighed 8 pds 15 ounces. The doctor said he would have been happy if she was back up to her birth weight which was 8 pds. 3 ounces but she had far exceeded that. It gave me much relief to know she is getting enough milk. It is hard knowing when you are breastfeeding, when you give a bottle it tells you how many ounces.
Last night was one of those nights you look forward to every night. I put Abigail down at 8:45 and she did not stir to eat until 11:20. She ate, I put her back down then she did not wake back up until 2:30, same routine then back up around 5:20 then next feeding at 7:15. So, I was able to get some good sleep last night. It was hard falling asleep the first round because I thought something was wrong because she had not woke up sooner. She is sleeping sound right now and I have been able to read a little bit for class. She must be growing! :) She is such a twig, she gains weight but then gets longer and makes her look skinny all over again.
Yesterday I put her on a mat similar to a baby einstein and she rolled over on her side, she already can lift her head up pretty good. She is a very strong and active baby.