Friday, September 12, 2008

Nap time

What is your approach to nap time and putting your baby/child to bed? Why did you take this approach--what worked, what did not work?I have been rocking Abigail to sleep every night and putting her in her crib asleep. She wakes up shortly after crying not unless she is super tired. During the day I have been letting her sleep in my arms, swing...etc. Today I decided to start some sort of routine. I have a feeding schedule but that is about it. Today I fed-then played-then tryed putting her down in her crib awake but pretty tired. Well, to say the least I could not stand hearing my baby girl cry bloody murder. I tried comforting her by patting her and rubbing her face gently and that would work until I left the room again. To say the least, I failed at my task and picked her up because she was shaking from being so scared. She fell asleep in my arms instantly and I held her tightly feeling like a horrible mother. So, once again I am asking for stories and experiences. I am new at this and trying to do the best for Abigail.


Anonymous said...

First of all, congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! She is a doll! Nap time and bed time have been 2 of my biggest challenges with both of my boys. I always nursed/rocked my boys to bed...and then it got to be where they would not go to sleep like that. Then I would lay down with them and watch a movie, but Weston would stay awake for the whole movie! Bedtime became a real drag because at 11, 11:30 or midnight Weston would still be awake. When we moved to Iowa I decided enough was enough and I started making them get in their bed and lay down to go to sleep. I would put on Bible stories and songs for them and they had to stay in their bed. Of course, mine were old enough that they got a spankin if they got up. My suggestion would be to start putting her in her bed now or sometime soon, to go to sleep because you will be much happier later on. I know it is hard, especially when they are so little, but let me tell are NOT a terrible mother for letting your baby cry when you know she is taken care of. If she is fed, clean, and changed, you know she will be ok! This is just the early start of manipulation, and boy do they ever know how to do it, even when they are so little!! Try playing songs or stories, run a noise maker or fan. You need and deserve the break that comes with nap time so take advantage of it! You may have to try a couple different things before you find something that works. Every baby is different. Don't get discouraged, you will find a routine that works for both of you. Good luck!

Kristen Akins

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna when Lane was little he would sleep in my arms I would be so tired somebody told me to let him sleep in his car seat at night and it worked he would sleep great. I was worried he would get to use to it but by three months he was sleeping in his crib and liked the room. When they are this little it is hard to just let them cry and from what I have read they don't start crying just to get you until about 6 months. So do what ever you can to get her to sleep. Lane is on a great schedule now and that started when he was at least 6 months old. Hope that helps. Samantha