Thursday, September 18, 2008

One month old

Look at those pretty blue eyes.

First smile at mommy! This is her big smile! Today she gave me a little smirk when I was talking to her....oh so precious.

Yesterday Abigail turned one month old! All I can say is....we survived. :)

I have started to learn her cries and know when she is tired, hungry, or just bored. The first two weeks were scary, plus when your hormones are all crazy that does not help. But, from then on I have had the chance to figure things out on my since my mom went back to Mo. Abigail and I have lots of fun together during the day. Most people would say you can't do much with a newborn. I disagree. You can interact with them by talking, cuddling, feeding, watching mobiles... Yesterday she smiled at me for the first time, it truly melted my heart. She did it again today when we were having mommy/daughter talk time on the couch. She is so cute!

I have finally come to realize that mommyhood takes a lot of sacrifice--for one sacrificing sleep! But, everytime I hear her cry in the middle of the night I enjoy the moment I am feeding her and then burping to rocking her. There are many mundane things with raising a baby, but I look at it as sheer blessing and a gift. I cherish every moment with her, she will only be tiny for so long. I already got sad when I was looking at pictures of her from her first week of life, she has changed so much already! She is getting so long and filling out. Right now she is going through an acne phase, hopefully it will clear up before Saturday. We are having our first family photos taken together. Her dress is adorable! I will post those pictures later...well, if they give us a CD. They will give a website I am sure, so I will post that next week.

I have also learned that when a new life comes into your home you have to adjust quality time with your spouse. There are many times when I am up in the middle of the night feeding thinking... I can't wait to get back into bed so I can cuddle with my hubby. It seems like night time is our only alone time, and he is asleep! :( I know things will change once she starts sleeping through the night and gets a little bit older.

A funny thing about Abigail is that she is a sucker, no problem with her latching on. The funny thing is the other night Justin had her up on his shoulder, he heard her sucking but thought she was sucking on her hand...well, when I was feeding her later that night I saw what looked like a bruise on her arm, come to find out....SHE GAVE HERSELF A HICKEY!


Anonymous said...

Hi Justin & Anna,

What a beautiful daughter you have!! She is so cute and growing so fast. I know you are really enjoying getting to know her. There is nothing that compares to that precious time you are able to spend with your firstborn. They are such a miracle and it is so amazing to have a child. God is an amazing God! May He continue to bless you all! Love, Vicki