Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mommy Moment

This afternoon when I got back home from class I could tell Abigail was ready for a nap. Well, sometimes her body tells me something different than her mind tells me. :) I laid her down and she cried, and began getting mad. I know the difference between her crying when she is tired vs. I do not want to be in my crib. ( I personally think it is because she loves hanging out with me).... :)
I took her out to calm her down, this usually works.... I put her back down, she was fine, but as I looked at the monitor her legs were hanging out so being a good mommy that I am I went in to help her out. She had a big smile on her face, I helped her out, and as I turned to go out the door, all HELL broke lose. We were back to square one. Just a side note, this is unusual for Abigail. I once again took her out, walked around, wiped her nose, and then decided to rock her. The rocking chair was the winner. She slowly laid her head down on my shoulder, still catching her breath from crying so hard and finally fell asleep. This was an hour process....

To say the least, this was a mommy moment that no other helper could have figured out. But, knowing Abigail's quirks I was able to soothe her and now she is taking her afternoon nap. I say this because I am starting to see the importance of mommy's being home with their children. Children need their mommy's and daddy's. However, I do understand that being home is not for every woman. For some women staying home would make them want to go to a coo coo house. Staying home takes patience and it is a calling. I do not have all the answers and I do not have everything figured out, but it seems like my heart is being pulled to stay home with Abigail and our future children.

It is worth not having things of this world
It is worth not having the extra income
It is worth cutting back on my social life

Children are our responsibility. If I want my children to know our values and beliefs I am the only one that can truly ingrain that into them throughout the day. Daddy helps throughout the night and weekends. :)
I also know that I do not manage being overly busy well and if I am running from my job, to home, to cooking dinner, cleaning up, bathing and feeding my child, giving myself to my husband, keeping in touch with friends and family, I will explode. When I get stressed, I am not too attractive and pleasant to be around. I know this about myself and need to take that into consideration. I want the best for my family, and I feel I would be shortchanging my family if I chose to be a full-time career woman. I always said my family would come first, well, this is one way of staying true to my oath.
Staying home means there will be many sacrifices, but being a Christian it is easier to live a life of simplicity and to not get caught up in all the material items of the world. I am not saying that I do not desire them, but, I am willing to give that up to give my children a better life. I may not have the nicest of clothes, but I will have the nicest of jobs--being a full-time mommy.
Being a full-time mommy has to be a choice you are willing to make.
I know there are many of you who have known this has been a big struggle of mine, so I appreciate your prayers and going along with me on this journey. You can always keep up with my updates on my blog, but would always love to get together for coffee or a playdate if you have kids.
I will graduate in May and what our life looks like after that I still do not know. We are living this day by faith, and not worrying about tomorrow.