Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am simply exhausted. I wish I was done with school so then I would not feel guilty to take a nap. I just fight the urge to sleep and make me a big cup of coffee. Abigail has started waking up at midnight the last couple of nights. She is not hungry, just waking up. So, I put the paci back in her mouth and she goes back to sleep. It seems like no big deal, but it is when I am never able to get into a deep sleep. She usually wakes up 2-3 hours later and then is ready to eat. I look forward to when I can give her cereal at night before bed. I hope that will help her start sleeping longer.
Please pray for my strength to finish out the semester strong. I am on page 11 for my research paper, have 4 to go. But, honestly I have nothing else to write. I am tempted to write my conclusion and be done with it.
I am trying to finish up all my big assignements before Thanksgiving. We are driving out to Alabama to have Thanksgiving at Justin's moms house. I know I will not get anything done there because our 2 nephews will be there too. They will keep us busy. It will be our first long roadtrip with Abigail. I hope it goes okay.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?
I am thankful for the gift of Abigail and that she is completly healthy.
I am also thankful that I serve a God that is my strength when I am weak.