Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our little beauty

This is one of my favoirte pictures of Abigail right now. My favorite ones change so fast because she is changing so much every day.
My little model...she is such a natural. However, I did have to prop her arm under her chin because she would not stop sucking on her hand. Don't you just love her little dimple!?
Gotta love big bows! I think I could have all girls, they are so much fun!
This was the first time to face her out in the BabyBjorn, I am not sure if she liked that more or just the fact she was able to chew on it the whole walk. Anything close to the mouth is for sure going in the mouth to suck on. She is becoming a slobbing machine.

Last week we had the first round of vaccines. I am not sure who it was harder on me or Abigail. Right when she started wailing, I had to hold back from crying with her. She did really good though, once they were done and I picked her up she stopped crying.
She weighed in at 12 pds 4 ounces 90% for her age, and 26 inches long 100% for her age...she is in 3-6 month clothes in length, but still has a hard time filling them out. She is going to be long and lanky. I had to take her back to the doctor today because they were out of one of the vaccines-- she only wimpered. She is so strong. But, I had them weigh her again and she is at 13 pds now. I am amazed how fast babies grow.
She has become very, very observant. She likes staring at her LEFT hand...I think she may end up left handed. It seems to be the dominant hand. My Grandma is a lefty, so she could be, and so is her cousin Xavier.
Next post I will add a lot of pictures. Her Uncle Jess and girlfriend Casey came to town and so has Nana Murphy in the past couple weeks. We captured some great pictures!
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