Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let loose

Something that puts me and I am sure many people on edge is being honest with our inner thoughts and feelings. I was encouraged by all the replys on facebook from my last post, "Is the grass greener on the other side?" Many told me they were thankful for how I was honest with what was going on with my life. ( I appreciate ones who let me know they were encouraged by my post)
I think being vulnerable is a scary thing. I hesitated to write what was going on, but truly felt lead to share. I am reminded of a Proverb in chapter 11:25, "...a generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Knowing I refreshed others refreshed me. It's funny how that works. :)
Have you ever stopped and noticed how many times you are asked throughout the day, "how are you?" but then all you say is "good" ask back and then it ends right there. I have become irritated by this Americanized greeting. There are many times when someone has asked me how I was and I was not doing good. But, in our culture we buck up, put a smile on our face and say, "fine", "great", or "good".
I believe we as a culture are missing out on true fellowship due to time constraints, scared of what others may think of us if we share what is going on in our lives, and simply wanting others to think we have it all together.
I challenge myself and whoever reads this to ask yourself--
What am I holding back? What would I like to let loose from within me? I am not saying spill your guts on here, but maybe there is someone imparticular you need to talk to about something that has been put away for too long. Maybe it is the person you have been closest to all your life--but for some reason have lost contact and don't know where to begin with words. Search your heart, and ask for the Lords leading. He will give you the words to speak.
Why are you holding back? What are you afraid of? Lets begin making a difference by going a little deeper with friends and family. People are wounded and need refreshment-- "They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14).