Friday, September 11, 2009

Sharpen one another, not stab one another

It is hard to come by these days, full of business, and the very fact we all have a selfish nature. Many are hurt by others due to selfishness, how one can gratify themselves. The end result= pain on both sides. I have experienced it, I am sure you have to....honestly, probably, on both sides.
When one seeks to fill their own desires, they only end up feeling alone and not complete. We must seek after eternal things, not earthly things. This day will vanish like a vapor....what are you putting your time and energy into? Who are you investing into, and not taking away from?
I have been burned one to many hurts.....
When I invest into a friendship I do not expect in return deception...but, at times I have received that and then it makes future friendships even harder, because then I have to ask myself, is it worth the time of getting hurt again.
What brings one to a point of letting go of something that seemed so sweet at one time....laughter........harmony...........sharpening...........late night talks.............roadtrips.............
I understand seasons do change, but a true friendship should never waver. Do you give up and move on, or keep after something that seems lost forever?
Friends are to sharpen one another, not stab one another to get ahead in life. Like I said before, in the end, it will only leave you feeling alone.
What kind of friend are you?